Rabu, 25 Januari 2012

PDF Ebook Law, Liberty, and Morality (Harry Camp Lectures at Stanford University)

PDF Ebook Law, Liberty, and Morality (Harry Camp Lectures at Stanford University)

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Law, Liberty, and Morality (Harry Camp Lectures at Stanford University)

Law, Liberty, and Morality (Harry Camp Lectures at Stanford University)

Law, Liberty, and Morality (Harry Camp Lectures at Stanford University)

PDF Ebook Law, Liberty, and Morality (Harry Camp Lectures at Stanford University)

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Law, Liberty, and Morality (Harry Camp Lectures at Stanford University)

About the Author

Professor H.L.A. Hart hold the Chair of Jurisprudence at Oxford.

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Product details

Series: Harry Camp Lectures at Stanford University

Paperback: 96 pages

Publisher: Stanford University Press; 1 edition (June 1, 1963)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0804701547

ISBN-13: 978-0804701549

Product Dimensions:

5.2 x 0.6 x 8.3 inches

Shipping Weight: 6.2 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.1 out of 5 stars

8 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#920,609 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Teriffic read for high school kids and parents



Informative and interesting, JGB.

Very small book.

H.L.A. Hart's "Law, Liberty, and Morality" is a critique of efforts to use criminal laws to enforce sexual moral standards. Delivered as lectures at Stanford University in 1962, the book remains relevant in 2015, when the U.S. is debating gay marriage and many conservatives are calling for the legal system to uphold traditional morality. "Law, Liberty, and Morality" has all the virtues associated with Hart's writing and thinking: clarity, humanity, non-dogmatic utilitarianism, and an uncanny knack for untangling conceptual confusion. It is poignant to see Hart (a closeted gay man) stress the simple point that laws penalizing private sexual activity can lead to deep human frustration and unhappiness -- an effect on individuals that should be highly relevant to the debate. I gave the book four stars instead of five only because Hart's argument tends to meander, to such an extent that readers might want to begin with the conclusion (which restates the basic argument) and only then read from page one. Equipped with that roadmap, they'll have an easier time following the twists and turns of his logic.

I first read the 1963 edition in a course called "Philosophy of Law" at Stanford in '66, and it's one of the few texts from then that I know I have in the attic, and have read at least five times since. It's just a little book, but invaluable.He organizes the arguments around the issue of the legalization of prostitution, but the specific arguments are made to carry the water of all the similar issues. It is dense, but beautifully written and beautifully argued, you just have to read it a bit slowly to let each paragraph soak in.

H.L.A. Hart is perhaps the 20th century's greatest legal philosopher, and this small book is a powerful expression of his views on the relationship between law and morality. Simply put, Hart takes the side of John Stuart Mill on the issue of legal regulation of vice. The arguments are straightforward, and Hart gives opposing viewpoints a fair hearing before offering his rebutalls.

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Law, Liberty, and Morality (Harry Camp Lectures at Stanford University) PDF

Law, Liberty, and Morality (Harry Camp Lectures at Stanford University) PDF

Law, Liberty, and Morality (Harry Camp Lectures at Stanford University) PDF
Law, Liberty, and Morality (Harry Camp Lectures at Stanford University) PDF
